
Posts Tagged ‘Dressing’

Mix a Quick Greek – Tzaziki

In Greek, Recipes on April 21, 2010 at 4:14 pm

In a stubborn attempt to give blood pudding another chance, I searched for a good healthy dressing that I can slop on the Draculian food and ward off any residual evilness that pervades my thoughts. Garlic, of course! And with Greek yogurt on offer at Fakta, Tzaziki, of course!

Here’s a really quick, refreshing and surprisingly healthy dressing that is often used to lift the greasy heaviness of Gyros. Another recipe under 10min.

Tzaziki Recipe adapted from About.com

  • 200g (low fat) greek yogurt
  • juice of 1/4 lemon
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 5cm segment of cucumber, diced
  • salt and dill to taste

1. Mix the lemon juice and olive oil together
2. Mix in the yogurt
3. Mix in the chopped garlic and diced cucumber
4. Mix in some dill and salt to taste!
5. There you go: a really queeek greeek mix, to go with your blood pudding!

Ps: it was so delicious that it dispelled all psychological apprehension about eating blood pudding (and housemate U loved it too!). I now enjoy it even without garlic’s protection.